Accepting CannaCard

Appyling has never been easier!

We've simplified the CannaCard application process and partnered with Kompliant to make applying as streamlined as possible. Simply begin the process by filling out the step-by-step form below

Cannabis-related Business

If you are a dispensary or CRB, our application will guide you through the approval process to begin accepting CannaCard. Begin by filling out the application BELOW.

Traditional Retailer

Traditional retail business can fill out the application below to become approved to accept CannaCard payments as well. Please follow the application process for step-by-step instructions.

Please Note: Be prepared to provide the following documents when submitting your application:

1. Articles of Incorporation or Partnership Agreement

2. IRS letter showing FEIN/Tax ID (both SS-4 or 147c are acceptable)

3. Business License(s)

4. 3 months Bank Statements from current financial institution (if new account - letter from bank noting the name on the account, date opened, and account number on bank letterhead)

5. Cannabis License (if applicable)

6. Trade Name Certificate, Business Resolution, Operating Agreement and/or By-Laws, and Board Letter showing Authorization (one or more as applicable)

7. Copy of Driver’s License and/or passport of individuals listed in application (beneficial owners and person signing)

8. State Certificate of Good Standing

9. In certain cases taxes may be requested by bank partner

The CannaCard Dispensary & CRB Application Begins Here